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The ARES After Hours Podcast

Feb 1, 2023

Moving on from our segments on resiliency and stress management, the new EMS career field climate survey was just released and there is actually a good amount of information to dissect! Join us as we talk about some of the findings straight from the streets themselves!  Chase Edwards joins us again to talk about some of...

Nov 30, 2022

Concluding our coverage of the four pillars of resiliency, we're finishing up with the spiritual pillar!  This pillar can be one of the hardest to understand and apply in ways other than religion, because that's how it's so often viewed.  So tonight we're going to (try) to stay on topic and discuss ways you can apply...

Apr 21, 2022

Continuing our coverage of the four pillars of resiliency, we're moving on with the mental pillar!  Typically, we teach this pillar with an emphasis on learning new skills and such to keep your mind sharp and occupied, but there's more to it than that.  So tonight we have special guest Mrs. Bonnie Miller!  (Some...

Feb 11, 2022

In today's episode of the ARES After Hours Podcast, we continue our discussion of the pillars of resiliency with the second pillar; the social pillar!  This one had to be recorded twice due to microphone difficulties on the first take, but in the new and improved version, we have guest speaker William "Joey"...